Driving a Semi in Windy Conditions
We speak often of the need for safety in the trucking industry. Day and day out, trucking is a dangerous job and the number one reason is without a doubt the weather. Between snow, rain, and wind, there's often something that can increase the danger of your route. Today let's talk about how to drive your rig safely in windy conditions.
A major part of being safe is being prepared. Before you leave for your route, no matter how long or short it is, check the weather forecast. One of the biggest dangers of wind is when it gusts and catches you by surprise. Knowing is half the battle.
By paying attention to what you're carrying and how much it weighs you put yourself at an advantage. The lighter your load, the more dangerous high gusting winds can be.
When you do your pre-trip inspection, pay close attention to doors, windows, and anything that might be loose on your truck or trailer. Double-check all doors that they are closed securely and tightly, and tie-down anything that might become loose on your trip.
Different stretches of highway will be more or less susceptible to large gusts of wind, making it all the more important to pay attention to your surroundings. When planning your route, if there is a stretch that you know is bad for wind gusts, it may be a good idea to plan an alternate route.
Most importantly, know your limits and know your skill. If you feel uncomfortable, pull over. Driving through unsafe weather and possibly getting into an accident is not worth the risk. Pull over, call dispatch and wait it out.
Do you have questions about driving as a profession? We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to us today.